Sunday, October 6, 2019

Midterm Examination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Midterm Examination - Essay Example The paper will incorporate historical evidence to support this stance. Open door imperialism can be basically defined as the act of powerful nations controlling the lesser powerful nation in the world so as to primarily safeguard the powerful nations’ interests. America being the world’s superpower has applied the open door imperialism to most parts of the world where it can reach. Its military is crucial to the United States spreading open door imperialism. The Monroe doctrine was the first step towards American open door imperialism. The doctrine implied that the United States would consider any acts by European states to interfere or colonize lands in north and South America as aggression towards the USA. Also, the act stated that America in return would not interfere with the internal running or colonies of European nations. The Monroe doctrine subsequently became a defining element of the USA foreign policy. Later, the doctrine would be relied upon and invoked by various USA presidents such as Ronald Reagan, John F Kennedy, and Theod ore Roosevelt. Contained in the doctrine are two significant themes of manifest destiny and exceptionalism. These two themes refer to the power and right of America to interfere, correct or, exert its power and influence across the globe. This doctrine was therefore used by the United States in several instances to justify USA intervention abroad throught most of the 19th century. For instance, the USA was involved in the Hawaii annexation and the Spanish American war (McCormick, 1963). The Monroe doctrine consequently came to basically define the United States’ control sphere that very few countries dared or dare to challenge. Its definition expanded greatly as the United States gained more power. America enacted the big brother policy in the early 1880s with a major aim of rallying Latin American countries behind it.

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