Saturday, August 31, 2019

Background & The Evolution of the Internet

The Internet has undergone explosive growth since the first connections were established in 1969. This growth has necessitated an extremely large system scale-up that has required new developments in the technology of information transfer. These new developments allow simplified solutions to the problem of how to reliably get information from point A to point B. Unfortunately, the rapid pace of the required technological advancement has not allowed for optimal solutions to the scale-up problem.Rather, these solutions appear to have been the most convenient and practical at the time. Thus, the information transfer technology of today’s internet does not guarantee the ‘best path’ for data transmission. The definition of the best path may mean the most cost effective or the fastest path or some path based on optimization of multiple protocols, but the current technology used in the internet cannot guarantee that the best path for data transmission will be chosen. The result is a reduction in economic and system resource efficiency. The Evolution of the InternetThe Internet has become integrated into the economic, technological and security infrastructure of virtually every country in the world. However, the internet had quite a humble beginning. It was originally designed as a back-up military communications network (MILNET) and as a university research communications network (National Science Foundation Network, NFSNET / Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, ARPANET). The original technology developed for these limited systems was not designed for the massive scale-up that has occurred since inception.Moreover, the original design of the internet system was based on the sharing of resources. The recent applications of the internet for commerce and proprietary information transfer processes make resource sharing an undesirable aspect. A more recent development is resource usage based on policies limiting what part of the internet can use a specific service or data transmission line. An Introduction to Networks and Routing What is a network? A network is a group of computers linked together by transmission lines that allow communication between the computers.Some of these computers are the equipment used by people on their desktop. Other computers in the network are computers that are designed only to direct traffic on the network or between different networks. Computer scientists often think of networks as large graphs with lines used to connect dots. The dots are called nodes and correspond to computers and the lines correspond to the transmission lines that connect the computers. The Internet is a giant network of smaller networks, called autonomous systems, that allows computers to be connected around the globe.What is routing? The process of transmitting information from a source computer to a destination computer is called routing. The way this is done can greatly effect how quickly the information is transmitte d between the two computers. What is a router? A router is a computer with more than one connection to the rest of the network that is programmed to choose which transmission lines to send information. Some routers or designed to route information between networks, as on the Internet, while other routers work to route information between computers on the same network.How do routers route? In order for routers to choose the best route (or path) from the source computer to the destination computer, it is necessary that the routers communicate with each other about what computers and networks they are connected to and the routes that can be used to reach these computers and networks. Often these routes must go through other routers. What are advertisements? Advertisements are the messages sent between routers to communicate information about routes to reach each destination. What is convergence?Convergence occurs on the network or internet when all the routers know all the routes to al l the destinations. The time required for all the routers to agree on the state of the network, the network topology, is known as the convergence time. When convergence does not occur, then data can be transmitted to a router which does not know how to get to a destination and this data is then lost. This is called a black hole. It is also possible that the data can be passed around a set of routers continuously without getting to the destination. This is called a routing loop. What is a data packet?When a large message is being transmitted, the message will probably be broken up into smaller messages called data packets, and these data packets may not all be sent by the same path across the Internet, although they will hopefully all reach the same destination What is a metric? A routing metric is a measure associated with a particular path between a source and a destination used by the router to decide what path is the best path. Typical metrics used by routing algorithms include p ath length, bandwidth, load, reliability, delay (or latency) and communication cost.Path length is a geometric measure of how long the transmission lines are. Bandwidth is used to describe the available transmission rate (bps) of a given section the possible transmission path. The load is the data packet transmission per unit time. The reliability of a data transmission path is essentially the number of errors per unit time. The delay in data transmission along a certain path is due to a combination of the metrics that have already been discussed, including geometric length of the transmission lines, bandwidth, and data traffic congestion.The communication cost is essentially the commercial cost of data transmission along a certain transmission line. What is a router protocol? A router protocol is the way the router is programmed to choose the best path for data transmission and communicate with other routers. This algorithm will consider path metrics associated with each path in a way defined by the by the manager of each AS. What is an internet address? In order for routers to identify the destination of a data transmission, every destination must have an address.The internet protocol (IP) method of addressing destinations uses a series of digits separated by dots. An example of an Internet address is 227. 130. 107. 5. Each of the 4 numbers separated by a dot has a value between 0 and 255. This range of values is set from the amount of computer memory designated for addressing at the beginning of the internet. The internet addressing scheme is similar to a scheme for international telephone calls. There is a ‘country code’ which is a fixed number for each country, and then there are other numbers which change on the phone number to refer to specific locations within the country.The numbers on the IP address for a network on the internet correspond to what would be the country code on an international phone number are referred to as ‘prefix ’. The other numbers on the IP address change to refer to individual computers on that particular network. A ‘netmask’ can also be used to specify which numbers on the IP address for a given network are fixed and which ones can be changed. A netmask is a series on ones and zeroes that can be put over the IP address. The part of the IP address under the ones is fixed as a network address.The part of the IP address under the zeros can be changed to indicate specific computers on the network. What is a Domain Name System (DNS), the domain name and the Uniform Resource Locator (URL)? The DNS is a combination of computer hardware and software that can rapidly match the text specification of an IP address, like www. helpmegetoutofthis. com, to an IP address. The part, helpmegetoutofthis. com, is called the domain name. The whole text, www. helpmegetoutofthis. com, is called the Uniform Resource Locator (URL).When you send an e-mail or use the Internet, you use the doma in name and the URL to locate specific sites. This allows people to type in the text name, or domain name, of an internet site into the Netscape browser instead of trying to remember the numerical IP address. The DNS automatically matches the text name to the IP address for the user when the transmission request is submitted. What are servers and clients? All of the computers on the Internet are classified as either servers or clients. The computers that provide services to other computers are called servers.The computers that connect to servers to use the services are called clients. Examples of servers are Web servers, e-mail servers, DNS servers and FTP servers. The computers used at the desktop are generally clients. How the internet works. Although the details of routing and software are complex, the operation of the internet from the users’ perspective is fairly straight forward. As an example of what happens when the Internet is used, consider that you type the URL www . helpmegetoutofthis. com into the Netscape browser.The browser contacts a DNS server to get the IP address. A DNS server would start its search for an IP address. If it finds the IP address for the site, then it returns the IP address to the browser, which then contacts the server for www. helpmegetoutofthis. com, which then transmits the web page to your computer and browser so you can view it. The user is not aware that of the operation of an infrastructure of routers and transmission lines behind this action of retrieving a web page and transmitting the data from one computer to another.The infrastructure of the internet can be seen as a massive array of data relay nodes (routers) interconnected by data transmission lines, where each node can service multiple transmission lines. In the general case where information must be sent across several nodes before being received, there will be many possible pathways over which this transmission might occur. The routers serve to find a p ath for the data transmission to occur. The routing of a file or data packets of a file is either be done by the technique of source routing or the technique of destination routing.In source routing, the path the data transmission will follow id specified at the source of the transmission, while destination routing is controlled by the routers along the path. In the modern internet, almost all routing is done by destination routing because of security issues associated with source routing. Thus, the routers must be programmed with protocols that allow a reasonable, perhaps optimum, path choice for each data packet. For the routers to choose an optimum path also requires that the interconnected routers communicate information concerning local transmission line metrics.Router communication is thus itself a massive information transfer process, given that there is more than 100,000 networks and millions of hosts on the Internet. When viewing the enormity of the problem, it is perhaps e asier to understand why engineers have accepted a sub-optimal solution to the problem of efficiency in data transfer on the Internet. When initially confronting a problem, the practical engineering approach is to simplify the problem to the point where a working solution can be obtained and then refine that solution once the system is functional.Some of the simplifying assumptions used by engineers for the current internet data transmission system include 1) A transmission line is never over capacity and is always available as a path choice. 2) The performance of the router and transmission line does not depend on the amount of traffic. These two assumptions do simplify the problem of path choice considerably because now all the transmission lines and nodes may be considered equal in capacity and performance completely independent of traffic. As such, it is a much simpler optimization problem consisting of finding the route with the shortest path length.To simplify the problem even further, another assumption is made: 3) Consider that an â€Å"Autonomous System† (AS), is a small internet inside the Internet. An AS is generally considered to be a sub-network of an Internet with a common administrative authority and is regulated by a specific set of administrative guidelines. It is assumed that every AS is the same and provides the same performance. The problem of Internet routing can now be broken down into the simpler problem of selecting optimum paths inside the AS and then considering the optimum paths between the AS.Since there are ‘only’ around 15,000 active AS’s on the Internet, the overall problem is reduced to finding the best route over 15,000 AS nodes, and then the much simpler problem of finding the best route through each AS. There is an important (to this thesis) set of protocols which control the exchange of routing information between the AS’s. The sort of routers in an AS which communicates with the rest of the internet and other AS’s are called border routers. Border routers are controlled by a set of programming instructions known as Border Gateway Protocol, BGP.A more detailed discussion of computer networking principals and the Internet facts can be found in e. g. [7]. An Introduction to Router Protocols. Routers are computers connected to multiple networks and programmed to control the data transmission between the networks. Usually, there are multiple paths that are possible for transmission of data between two points on the Internet. The routers involved in the transmission between two points can be programmed to choose the ‘best path’ based on some metric. The ‘protocols’ used to determine the path for data transmission are routing algorithms.Typical metrics used by routing algorithms include path length, bandwidth, load, reliability, delay (or latency) and communication cost. Path length. Path length is a geometric measure of how long the transmiss ion lines are. The routers can be programmed to assign weights to each transmission line proportional to the length of the line or each network node. The path length is then the sum of the weights of the nodes, lines or lines plus nodes along the possible transmission path. Bandwidth. Bandwidth is used to describe the available transmission rate (bps) of a given section the possible transmission path.An open 64 kbps line would not generally be chosen as the pathway for data transmission if an open 10 Mbps Ethernet link is also open, assuming everything else is equal. However, sometimes the higher bandwidth path is very busy and the time required for transmission on a busy, high bandwidth line is actually longer than on a path with a lower bandwidth. Load. This data packet transmission per unit time or the percent of CPU utilization of a router on a given path is referred to as the load on this path. Reliability.The reliability of a data transmission path can be quantitatively descri bed as the bit error rate and results in the assignment of numeric reliability metrics for the possible data transmission pathways. Delay. The delay in data transmission along a certain path is due to a combination of the metrics that have already been discussed, including geometric length of the transmission lines, bandwidth, and data traffic congestion. Because of the hybrid nature of the communications delay metric, it is commonly used in routing algorithms. Communication Cost.In some cases, the commercial cost of data transmission may be more important the time cost. Commercial organisations often prefer to transmit data over low capacity lines which they own as opposed to using public, high capacity lines that have usage charges. The routing algorithms do not have to use just one metric to determine the optimum route; rather it is possible to choose the optimum route based on multiple metrics. In order for the optimum path to be chosen by the routers between the data source and the data destination, the routers must communicate information about the relevant metrics with other routers.This nature of this communication process is also defined by the routing algorithm and the transmission time is linked to the time required for the routers to have the necessary information about the states of the surrounding routers. The time required for all the routers to agree on the state of the network, the network topology, is known as the convergence time and when all routers are aware of the network topology, the network is said to have converged. Some of the common routing algorithm types can indeed affect the convergence of the network.Some of the different algorithms characteristics that must be chosen when designing are static or dynamic routing, single path or multi-path routing and link state or distance vector routing. Static Routing. Static routing is done by use of a static list of attributes describing the network topology at the initiation of the network. This list, called a routing table, is used by the routers to decide the optimum routes for each type of data transmission and can only be changed manually. Therefore, if anything changes in the network, such as a cable breaking or a router crashing, the viability of the network is likely to be compromised.The advantage is that there is no communication required between routers, thus the network is always converged. Dynamic Routing. In contrast to static routing, dynamic routing continually updates the routing tables according to changes that might occur in the network topology. This type of real time information processing allows the network to adjust to variations in data traffic and component reliability, but does require communication between the routers and thus there is a convergence time cost associated with this solution.Single Path vs Multi-path Routing. Single path and muli-path routing are accurate descriptive terms regarding the use of either a single line to send multip le packets of data from a given source to a given destination as opposed to using multiple paths to send all the data packets from the source to the destination. Multiple path algorithms achieve a much higher transmission rate because of a more efficient utilization of available resources. Link State vs Dynamic Routing Protocols.Link-state algorithms are dynamic routing algorithms which require routers to send routing table information to all the routers in the network, but only that information which describes its own operational state. Distance-vector algorithms, however, require each router to send the whole of its router table, but only to the neighbouring routers. Because the link-state algorithms require small amounts of information to be sent to a large number of routers and the distance vector algorithm requires large amounts of information sent to a small number of routers, the link state algorithm will converge faster.However, link state algorithms require more system reso urces (CPU time and memory). There is a new type of algorithm developed by CISCO which is a hybrid of the link-state algorithm and the distance vector algorithm [8].. This proprietary algorithm converges faster than the typical distance-vector algorithm but provides more information to the routers than the typical link-state algorithm. This is because the routers are allowed to actively query one another to obtain the necessary information missing from the partial tables communicated by the link-state algorithms.At the same time, this hybrid algorithm avoids communication of any superfluous information exhibited in the router communications of the full tables associated with distance-vector algorithm. Switching. The distance vector, link state or hybrid algorithms all have the same purpose, to insure that all of the routers have an updated table that gives information on all the data transmission paths to a specific destination. Each of these protocols requires that when data is tra nsmitted from a source to a destination, the routers have the ability to ‘switch’ the address on the data transmission.When a router receives a data packet from a source with the destination address, it examines the address of the destination. If the router has a path to that destination in the routing table, then the router determines the address of the next router the data packet will ‘hop’ to and changes the physical address of packet to that of the next hop, and then transmits the packet. This process of physical address change is called ‘switching’. It will be repeated at each hop until the packet reaches the final destination.Although the physical address for the forwarding transmission of the data packet changes as the packet moves across the Internet, the final destination address remains associated with the packet and is a constant. The internet is divided up into hierarchical groups that are useful in the description of the switching process. At the bottom of this hierarchy are network devices without the capability to switch and forward packets between sub-networks, where an AS is a sub-network.These network devices are called end systems (ESs), because if a packet is transmitted there, it cannot be forwarded and has come to the end. At the top of the hierarchy are the network devices that can switch physical addresses are called intermediate systems (ISs). An IS which can only forward packets within a sub-network are referred to as intra-domain ISs while those which communicate either within or between sub-networks are called intra-domain ISs. Details of Routing Algorithms Link State AlgorithmsIn a link state algorithm, every router in the network is notified of a topology change at the same time. This avoids some of the problems associated with the nearest neighbour update propagation that occurs in the distance vector algorithms. The ‘Open Shortest Path First’ (OSPF) protocol uses a graph topolo gy algorithm like Dijkstra’s Algorithm to determine the best path for data transmission between a given data source and a data destination. The metric used for route optimisation is specific to the manual configuration of the router.However, the default metric is the speed of the interface. The OSPF uses a two level, hierarchical network classification. The lower level of hierarchy is groups of routers called areas. All the routers in an area have full knowledge of all the other routers in the area, but reduced knowledge of routers in a different area. The different areas organized within the OSPF algorithm are connected by border routers, which have full knowledge of multiple areas. The upper level of the hierarchy is the backbone network, to which all areas must be connected.That is, all data traffic going from one area to another must pass through the backbone routers. Distance Vector Algorithms In order for data to be transmitted from a source to a destination on the Inte rnet, the destination must be identified using some mechanism. That is, each possible destination for data transmission must be described with an address. The scheme currently used to address the internet space is the Internet Protocol (IP) version 4. The IP version 4 uses an address length limited by 32 bits. An example of an Internet address is 227. 130. 107.5 with the corresponding bit vector 11100011 10000010 01101011 00000101. An initial difficulty in managing the available address space was the implementation of a class structure, where large blocks of internet address space was reserved for organisations such as universities, leaving commercial applications with limited address space. Routing of data transmission in this address environment was referred to as class-full routing. To alleviate this problem of limited address space, the internet community has slowly evolved to a classless structure, with classless routing.In distance vector protocols, each router sends adjacent routers information about known paths to specific addresses. The neighbouring routers are sent information giving a distance metric of each one from a destination address. The distance metric could be the number of routers which must be used to reach the destination address, known as the ‘hop count’, or it could be the actual transmission distance in the network. Although this information is advertised only to the adjacent routers, these routers will then communicate the information with their neighbouring routers, and so on, until the entire network has the same information.This information is then used to build the routing table which associates the distance metric with a destination address. The distance vector protocol is implemented when a router receives a packet, notes the destination, determines the path with the shortest distance to the destination and then forwards the packet to the next router along the shortest distance path. One of the first distance vector protocols implemented on the Internet was the Routing Information Protocol (RIP). RIP uses the distance metric of hop count to determine the shortest distance to the destination address.It also implements several protocols to avoid having data packets pass through the same router more than once (router loops). The path vector protocol is a distance vector protocol that includes information on the routes over which the routing updates have been transmitted. It is this information on path structure which is used to avoid routing loops. Path Vector Protocols are also somewhat more sophisticated than RIP because an attempt is made to ‘weight’ each path based on a locally defined criteria that may not simply reflect the highest quality of service, but rather the highest profit for an ISP.The implementation of these types of router algorithms may be different in different parts of the Internet. When the algorithms are implemented inside an autonomous system, they are called Interior Gateway Protocols (IGP). Because the different autonomous systems that make up the Internet are independent from one another, the type of routing algorithm used within the autonomous systems can also be independent of one another.That is, the managers of each autonomous system are free to choose the type of algorithm which best suits their particular network, whether it is static or dynamic link-state or dynamic distance-vector. When the algorithms are implemented to control data transmission between autonomous systems, they are referred to as Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGP). The EGP connect all autonomous systems together to form the Internet and thus all EGP should use the same algorithm.The specific algorithm currently used as the EGP on the Internet is the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), which is a type of distance vector algorithm called a path vector algorithm [9]. A path vector algorithm uses information about the final destination of the data transmission in additio n to the attributes of the neighbouring links. It should be noted that the BGP algorithm can also be used as a router protocol within an autonomous system and is called an interior BGP (IBGP) in that instance. This necessitates calling the BGP an EBGP when it is implemented as an EGP.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ian Lemke †Compare and Contrast Essay

Compare & Contrast In 1848, Cady Stanton gave her ‘Declaration of Sentiments,’ pleading for the right to vote and fair treatment to be given to women, which was promised already in 1776. While the country was still young, John Adam’s wite, Abigail wrote him a letter requesting the rights of women be Included In the document he was having written. This was the Declaration of Independence. 30th of these selections have a common goal: they are being written with the purpose to gain women more rights. Even though they were written with the same purpose in mind, they are very different. The mood and layout of the articles are completely different, not to mention they had completely separate audiences Despite the obvious differences, they both hit home with their intended audiences. Abigail wrote her letter tor her husband alone. Him being a delegate to the First conunental congress, she had hopes In mind that she could give women the rights they deserve, that she could raise the status of women by leaving an impact on the founding document of the country. Using threats of rebellion, she asked him to â€Å"Remember the ladies, and be more generous and avorable to them than your ancestors†. Stanton, author of the Declaration of Sentiments, wanted to influence the opinions and gain support among the public as well as the leading government officials. Not solely expecting to win the tight tor equality, she had hoped she would make enough of an Impact that people would hear her voice and fight for a change in political structure. She fought for a change in the legal status of women. Using powerful statements like â€Å"Women are civilly dead,† as they’re denied voting privileges, and that marriage deprives women of their ndependence, she got a lot of attention and support from all sorts of places. ntortunately, despite their pleads being heard by the nation, it wasnt enough. There’s a big difference between being heard and making a difference, which they regrettably found out. They tried their best, and clearly left their mark on history but It took another 72 years before women were given their basic rights and freedoms. The saddest part is there†™s still prejudice everywhere you go, all we can do is keep fighting for a positive change and hope it comes soon!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Quality of Leaders Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Quality of Leaders - Assignment Example The other leader who is least admired is the managing director of a local restaurant in the United States. This leader has been in position for about four years in what may generally be referred to as a static restaurant business. Among other things, this latter leader is autocratic, unapproachable, secretive, intemperate and unable to stick to a common plan. The two leaders achieved their levels of power and influence through different means. For example the admired leader rose through the ranks of the sporting club of which he is presently the Chief Executive Director. This is because the company that runs the club has an organizational structure or system that rewards hard work by promoting employees through the ranks of positions. With the type of diligence, hard work and submissiveness that is described by Ancona et al (2007 p. 96), the leader easily won the hearts of the Board of Directors to win promotional status whenever there was vacancy above his rank. As Andreu and Rosanas (2012) opine, leaders are at times able to buy their ways to the top by influencing the judgmental thoughts of the people who are responsible for their endorsement. It has therefore been reported of how the least admired leader managed to influence several people who had voting powers to vote for his promotion to the office in which he currently

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Financial Management assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial Management assignment 1 - Essay Example Long-term lenders will also be interested on the long-term profitability of the organization. Stockholders will be interested on shareholder ratios like return on equity, earnings per share, and dividend yield. These ratios became the sole measure of the profitability of the stock. Stockholders also look at the company's leverage through its debt to assets and debt to equity ratios. Companies which are highly dependent on debt faces higher risks. Question 5. a. Monthly Schedule of Cash Receipts Cash Receipts for April From Sales (10%) $7,500 Collection March (60%) $42,000 February (30%) $18,000 Total $67,500 Cash Receipts for May From Sales (10%) $9,500 Collection April (60%) $45,000 March (30%) $21,000 Total $75,500 Cash Receipts for June From Sales (10%) $11,000 Collection May (60%) $57,000 April (30%) $22,500 Total $90,500 b. Accounts Receivables at end of June May (30%) $28,500 June (60%) $66,000 Total $94,500 Question 6. A Company (LIFO) Value of Cost of Goods Sold 100 units @ $12 each $1,200 200 units @ $11.50 each $2,300 100 units at $10.50 each $1,050 Total $4,550 Value of Ending Inventory 100 units @ $10 each $1000 100 units @ $10.50 each $1050 Total $2050 Z Company (FIFO) Value of Cost of Goods Sold 100 units @ $10 each $1000 200 units @ $10.50 each $2100 100 units @ $11.50 each $1150 Total $4250 Value of Ending Inventory 100 units @ $11.50 each $1150 100 units @ $12 each $1200 Total $2350 Question 7. Tall Tree Percentage of Sales Table $300,000 Sales Assets Liabilities Cash 5% Accounts Payable (90) 30% Accounts Receivable 30% Notes Payable (30) 10% Inventory 20% Accrued Expenses (7.5) 2.5% Currents Assets 55% Current Liabilities 42.5% Equipments 25% Common Stock (127.5) 42.5% Total

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 3

Assignment Example Following the theory, Walmart Company is fully unethical. It was because of the win lose situation they created. The company becomes the winners and customers were the losers. The health of the consumers got placed at risk due to the company selling food that could make the consumers sick (Spotts 76). It demonstrated that the company did not respect the consumers or care for their welfare. The company did not make the efforts of ensuring the happiness of consumers. They only cared for their own happiness. The company also made themselves unhappy due to cheating on their customers and taking their money. The theory developed by kant also indicates that the company is unethical in a more different ration. The customers lacked a chance of making any decision. There was no information issued to them on the products they were buying as the company held the information. They also gave them false information so that they can have their money. The denial of information hindered the customers from making their own decisions on the product. The most likely decision they would have made is not to consume their products. It was due to the health hazards associated with the meat. The theory of kant also indicates that the company should not consider themselves above the law and also rules. They fully understood the illegal actions they had associated themselves with and were not willing to accept the consequences. The interpretation of the word courage can get done in several ways. The Walmart company did not have to cater or even compensate to the customers they cheated which they did not. The courage to offer an apology or even compensation was not a step towards the right direction (Spotts 26). The company possessed unreasonable desires, therefore, they lied to their customers in the efforts of obtaining happiness and also profit. On the case justice, it was also not present. The company did have fair practices

Monday, August 26, 2019

Romanticism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Romanticism - Assignment Example A woman being violated without her knowledge is the scariest thing for a woman. Any man would want to try and protect a woman from demonic rape. This portrait is very scary. The emotions evoked are terror, fear, horror, and sheer disgust. The cultural context factors might have been the poem being written about a nightmare that the art was supposed to depict. b.) Goya’s Inquisition Scene is an oil on canvas dated 1816. This painting deals with many sublime topics such as inhumanity to man, violence, and death. Goya was trying to prove how cruel the Spanish Inquisition was. The dunce cap on the condemned and the blood dripping shows inhumanity and violence. The verdict is already been decided, despite this kangaroo court. The painting’s atmosphere was dark and somber. Goya is trying to show the injustice of the Spanish Inquisition. Goya’s work reflects the Spanish Inquisition although the work was created after the first Inquisition and the second Inquisition. His painting style shows the seriousness of the charges brought in the Inquisition. This is the best Goya

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Career Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Career Theory - Essay Example The individual brings into the environment specific abilities and as such, certain needs that are necessary for him or her to be successful in that a given setup. This theory provides the counselor with the information necessary to assist an individual in making changes that lead to correspondence between him or her and the prevailing situation, depending on whether the individual has the ability to change a situation as well as his or her perception of the situation. This theory strives to answer the question as to whether individuals perform better an environment which befits their values and as to whether they are faced with problems and challenges if the environment they live in does not conform to their felt needs. This conformity of environment and the person concept is what is known as person environment fit. For instance, if the school environment is achieve-ment oriented, and then students will most likely, value achievement, thus achieving a high person environment fit. Con sequently students in a university may change subjects in order to make the person environment fit more favorable hence increasing the person environment fit. In cases of correspondence between individuals and environment there is no big demand for person change. This theory is usually concerned with personal characteristics such as traits, and skills which some times are referred to Vocational Personality. As people are uniquely different, no particular approach is good for all as it may not suit someone else; therefore a blend of various techniques is more ideal. Instances where by a school may apply Person/environment/Correspondence Counselling.This theory can be applied whereby students exhibit any or one of the following characteristics; Indecisiveness in career path, sudden change of behavior, excessive drinking, difficulty in learning and in cases of drug abuse and also when handling disadvantaged students.Counselling aims at basically connects students to resources so that they can become more aware of themselves and the opportunities out there whether jobs or occupations as well as making them into better decision-makers in terms of choosing future careers which matches their interests, core values, and abilities. Non Directive counseling .This technique can be used by a number of professionals including teachers on behavior change. This technique, associated with Carl Rogers, and allows individuals in emotional problems to speak about the problems and resolve difficulties with a minimum of direction being provided by the counselor. This technique assumes that everyone is motivated enough to change into a better person. School counselors can apply this technique according to certain guidelines while the student explores and analyzes the problem and devises a personal solution. This technique encourages the student to feel comfortable in the expression of feelings and thus facilitates positive change but it is also limited in that it is time consuming and often slows to bear positive results. According to Rogers this technique helps others to resolve internal conflicts and feelings hence reducing undesired behavior. This technique is useful with individuals who are cooperative but it becomes less effective if individuals are uncooperative and unwilling to change. For this approach to work well there is a need t for privacy and use of non punitive persuasive methods as well as

Benefits In Achieving Sustainable Water Management Across The Eurozone Essay

Benefits In Achieving Sustainable Water Management Across The Eurozone - Essay Example Many grounds and surface water bodies in EU are yet daunted with high concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen (Bouraoui et al 2014). Following the EC (2012), there exist doubts that many numbers of water bodies in EU may not reach the required objectives of WFD by 2015 (Kafflis & Butler 2001) This essay will analyze how successfully WFD has been in introducing an ecosystem-oriented approach for EUs water resource management and water policy. Availability of water to agricultural sector places heavy pressure on available water bodies and to contain nutrient pollution still plays a significant threat to lakes, surface, transitional and groundwater quality in EU. Earlier, with the introduction of Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC/1991, EU was able to minimize nitrogen losses from the agricultural sector and after two decades of the existence of such Directive, EU is successful in preventing in its member states, which have agriculture as their dominant industry such as Belgium, the Nether lands, France, etc. Accordingly the European Council (2010), due to the introduction of 1991 Nitrates Directive, there had been a 55% fall in nitrate concentration trends in EU member states. According to Bouraoui and Grizetti (2011), the Urban Waste Water Directive 1991/271/EEC was successful in minimizing the phosphorus losses to water bodies in Europe and also resulted in a lower magnitude of nitrogen losses(Bouraoui et al 2014:1). The WFD observed that with about three-fourths of EUs drinking-water supplies being derived from the groundwater sources, its prime significance is to guarantee the quality of groundwater. Three unique varieties of monitoring are specified to evaluate the quality status of European waters such as surveillance, supervising or monitoring, operational supervising and investigative supervising (Kallis & Butler 2001).

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Film The poursuite of happiness Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Film The poursuite of happiness - Movie Review Example The turning point happens when Gardner joined a training program at a prestigious stock-broking firm, Dean Witter. Despite having neither Wall Street experience nor a college degree, Gardner defied all odds of being homeless and became a success stockbroker and ultimately, a millionaire. This review will explore the rags-to-riches journey and examine the film's true pursuit of happiness in the context of the significance and meaning of happiness from the perspective of a child and an adult, in addition to dissecting the writer and director's vision in presenting the obstacles Gardner faced and allowing the audience to find their own interpretation of happiness. The United States Declaration of Independence pronounce "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." (The Declaration of Independence 2008) When Thomas Jefferson wrote this, it meant a basic right and a goal of life and this film's objective was to capture the essence of these two notions. Even though the ultimate setting for happiness starts off as the pursuit of money as the solution to his problems, the fact that Gardner accepted an unpaid six months internship with a one in twenty odd of getting the final job offer dispels this view.

Friday, August 23, 2019

MG 1011 Task 2 Assignment - a Reflection of the work done Essay

MG 1011 Task 2 Assignment - a Reflection of the work done - Essay Example Team formation is a critical initial step that is necessary to create a team that will work effectively. A team or group is the union of two or more people working together to achieve a common goal (Schermerhorn & Hunt & Osborn, p.172). During the initial formation stage of the team the member have to communicate with each other in various brainstorming and socialization exercises in other to get to know each other to create a bond. During these session the team has to create a detail plan of action of the project the have to perform with a detail work break structure of the specific task each member will perform and various deadlines the work has to delivered. There is a need for leadership within the group. It is important for someone to take charge and become the team leader that can guide the other members of the team, while at the same listening to the opinion of others to integrate their ideas. According to Belbin’s team role theory the optimum size for a team is eight m embers (Fisher & Hunter & Macrosson, 2001). If a team is too small the members might get overworked, but a large team can create organizational problems which may result in inefficiencies. I have worked on various team scenarios some of which were good experiences, while others were horrible endeavors. During my first year in college I worked on a group project for college class. The team was made up to four members. It was disaster from day one. One member barely ever came to any of the team meetings. The other two kept arguing over irrelevant points and could not come to any agreements on how to proceed with the project. I tried to play the role of leader and intermediary between the members. Since I took the initiative I paid the price of being the member with the highest workload and ended up covering for two of the members who at the end were extremely irresponsible and disappeared on me and decided that their end of the bargain did not have to complied with. I did both

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Teenagers and Drugs Essay Example for Free

Teenagers and Drugs Essay A drug is any substance (with the exception of food and water) which, when taken into the body, alters the body’s function either physically and/or psychologically. Drugs may be legal or illegal and this are described as marijuana, hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, and prescription drugs that are not used for medical purposes. Nowadays drugs are everywhere and it’s becoming more and more used. Drugs are common in teens and they take drugs with various reasons: To have fun, to relax, to socialize, and to take risks, to relieve boredom and stress. Friends, parents, older brothers and sisters and the media can also have some influence over a young persons decision to use drugs. The experience that a person has when using drugs will be affected by the: Individual: Mood, physical size, gender, personality, expectations of the drug experience, whether the person has food in his/her stomach and whether other drugs have been taken. Drug: The amount used, how it is used and the strength and purity of the drug. Environment: Whether the person is using it with friends, on their own, in a social setting or at home, at work, before or while driving. Parents know their children best and are therefore in the best position to suggest healthy alternatives to doing drugs. Encouraging children to become involved in sports, clubs, music lessons, community service projects, church, and other after-school activities can keep children and teens active and interested, while building their confidence and interpersonal skills. These activities will also bring youth closer to parents and to other adults and peers who can influence them in positive ways.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Beliefs of Calvin and Augustine

Beliefs of Calvin and Augustine The Traditional Calvinist view to the doctrine of Perseverance of the saints finds its origin in the philosophy of the sixteenth-century Swiss Reformer John Calvin (1509-1564). He wrote and published the first edition of his Institutes of the Christian Religion. This is the most about writing on systematic theology which the world had ever known at that time. To this present day his belief have pervade spread through the Protestant world. Because God is sovereign over all His creation, Calvin argued, He must be the sole actor in the salvation of His human creatures. He believed that any response, prior to regeneration, from a depraved human being would make God less than sovereign in human redemption. John Calvin drifted from his Roman Catholic faith while studying the vast writings of Augustine, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Hippo (354-430). He constantly praised Augustines work with frequent quotes and references from his writings. Many prominent Calvinists acknowledge that Calvins fundamental beliefs were through the writings of Augustine and were already formed while he was still a faithful Roman Catholic. He systemized Augustines doctrines, which have been developed, for the most part, the Five Points of Calvinism presented today. Augustines influence remained with him throughout his life. The beliefs of Calvin and Augustine embody the Five Points of Calvinism presented today. Just as the Synod of Dort, (the synod which first formally presented these points as the Five Points of Calvinism-TULIP),[1] was a Calvinistic Synod, so John Calvin was an Augustinian. These Augustinian teachings that he presented in his Institutes of the Christian Religion included the sovereignty of God, which made Him the cause of everything, including sin, election, and the predestination of the elect to salvation and of the non-elect to damnation. Professor Herman Hanko, co-authored one of several books called TheFivePointsofCalvinism,written to explain and defend Calvinism, says that: Boettner agrees. He says: Calvinist theologian R. Laird Harris states that: We see that John Calvin took what Augustine had written and refined it. Many of our doctrines that we understand and recognize today have developed from earlier stages of belief. This is the case with the doctrines of Augustine. An example of this is the doctrine of Eternal Security. He did not teach this, but he was a crucial figure in establishing the root source that is the basis in which this doctrine could develop in to how we understand it today. With a little research, one can understand how his influence on theology as a whole goes without question. The foundational beliefs, biases, and doctrines that many believers have today, Protestants and Catholics, are to be discovered in the beliefs of Augustine. While most Calvinist and Catholic theologians agree with Augustine, some Protestants do not. However, most of them, if not all, will acknowledge his huge influence on Christian beliefs and doctrines. Augustine was born November 13, 354 in Tagaste Numidia. He was brought up in a divided household: Augustines father was not a Christian and directed his son towards secular knowledge which could bring him an income. When he became an adult, Augustine moved to Carthage and he took an interest in debating. Around the year 375, Augustine became a Manichaean Gnostic. Augustine was a Manichaean for nine years and was greatly influenced by them, whose doctrines were heretical. The Gnostics believed in two gods, one evil and one good. Some Gnostic groups renounced marriage and procreation. Many believed that the dualism of flesh and spirit-the flesh being evil and the spirit being good. Many historians have noted that Augustine has brought this Manichaean influences into the Church. The Manichaean teachings are believed to have influenced Augustines doctrine of the total depravity of mankind, the elect and predestination. These are the foundations and essential elements of the doctrine of Eternal Security that was to follow after Calvin got a hold of them. Because of Augustines sinful lifestyle, he could not advance in the Manichaean religion. He had a reputation of being a fornicator and a womanizer. Historian James ODonnell, is a University Professor at Georgetown University. He says: Later Augustine became a skeptic and turned to the philosophy of Neo-Platonism (a form of thought rooted in the philosophy of Plato). He began to merger these beliefs with his Gnostic and Christian beliefs. Augustines writings were strongly influenced by his studies in Neo-Platonism, Gnosticism, and the Christian Scriptures. Much like Calvinists today, he used Scripture out of context to match his theology. In 384, Augustine went to Milan as a incredulous professor of rhetoric. Before he left Milan in 388, he had been baptized by Ambrose and was indebted to Ambroses Catholic Neo-Platonism, which provided a philosophical base that eventually transformed Christian theology.[2] Augustine was not only influenced by the Manichaean Gnostics, but he was also being influenced by his mentor Ambrose. Ambrose had absorbed the most up-to-date Greek learning, Christian and pagan alike-notably the works of Philo, Origen, and Basil of Caesarea and of the pagan Neo-Platonist Plotinus.[3] With his philosopher ideas mixing Scriptures with Platonism with its elements of mysticism and some Judaic and Greco-Roman reading, he influenced Augustine in his theology. Maybe this is why, that no one that has ever lived has influenced Christian theology as Augustine has. He is responsible for much of what we consider to be Catholic doctrine today. Not surprisingly, he is also credited with being a major participant in Protestant beliefs as well. The historian Jaroslav Pelikan remarked: Commenting on Augustines book entitled, The City of God, the historian Edward Gibbon wrote: [1] A century after the Reformation a reaction against this extreme Genevan Calvinism developed around Amsterdam pastor and theologian, Jacob Arminius. After his untimely death in 1609, some of his followers, the Remonstrants, pressed his denial of Calvinism in five points. At the Synod of Dort (1618-19) they were banished from the Netherlands Reformed churches by the Calvinists, who set out their doctrine in five opposing points, the famous acronym, TULIP. [2] Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., Saint Ambrose, (Last accessed 7/31/15): [3] Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., Saint Ambrose, (Last accessed 7/31/15):

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Computerised Approach to Monitoring Production Line

Computerised Approach to Monitoring Production Line AN INTELLIGENT COMPUTER VISION BASED APPROACH TO MONITOR PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION LINE Urooj Arif 1, Faizan Naseem 2      Abstract The idea of An Intelligent Computer Vision Based Approach to Monitor Pharmaceutical Production Line   is introduced by our Group after the events observed by us in different pharmaceutical companies cases studies. Like in Japan there they use laser scanners to scan the objects whether they are filled or empty if empty they are discarded and filled goes to next level of production. But in the economy of Pakistan Pharmaceutical industry is the most growing industry in Pakistan and a lot of companies are stepping in to this sector the basic elements to step in in this industry includes the idea, Research and Development , State of the art facilities for manufacturing and packaging etc. So we decided to work on the factor of manufacturing and packaging sector and to work majorly on production line to make production line intelligent by introducing the Computer Vision Based Intelligent Approach for the Production Line. And this product will be of high usability and applica tions in this industry in coming times specifically in Pakistan may be implemented to other Third world countries as well. Keywords-Image Processing, Artificial Neural Network I. INTRODUCTION The Project is about Object Detection Identification and Comparison using Computer Vision Based Embedded System. And as we know Object detection is the process of finding instances of real-world objects such as faces, Vehicles, and buildings in images or videos. Object detection algorithms typically use extracted features and learning algorithms to recognize instances of an object category. It is commonly used in applications such as image retrieval, security, surveillance, and automated quality control systems. II. LITERATURE REVIEW Pakistan is a very fast and future-oriented pharmaceutical industry. At the time of independence in 1947, was perhaps the pharmaceutical industry. Today Pakistan is about 400 pharmaceutical manufacturing units including those operated by 25 multinationals in the country. 70 per cent of the countrys pharmaceutical industry, meet the demand of finished medicine. The domestic pharmaceutical market is divided almost equally between citizens and multinational companies in exchange.Progressive development of the pharmaceutical industry, especially in the last decade, as shown in years. The industry has invested heavily in recent years to upgrade, and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), the majority of the industry in accordance with national and international guidelines. Currently, the industry has the ability to produce a variety of products from simple to sophisticated biotech tablet, and value-added generic oncology compounds. Although Pakistan Pharma health and without access to moder n medicine for almost half the population, fastest growth. It needs a chance, but clearly much more work to be done by governments and economic stakeholders. Sales per capita consumption of less than US $ 10 worth of drugs every year $ 1.4 billion in 2007, and 2012 should be sold in 2012 represents 2.3 B drug prices, Last year, the economy, due to poor economic conditions and suffered a lot of damage from the fight against terrorism. Moreover, the economy, inflation, slow economic growth and seen a significant reduction in the value of major currencies against the rupee. No doubt the Government will take the necessary steps to get out of this terrible situation, but that it is the economy and adaptation to board immediately rejected.Before reviewing the pharmaceutical market, we look at the situation globally. 48%, 28% and the US, the EU and 12% of the value of the global market-based controls for Japan with a share. The remaining 20% of the global pharmaceutical market.The pharmaceutical market style, it is very competitive and challenging. Some 600 pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan. The 386 operating units. Have already mentioned, has a dramatic effect on inflation and devaluation operating margin. Therefore, the challenges for the pharmaceutical industry can be a major cause.When we look ba ck in the pharmaceutical industry, the situation has clearly changed completely. Early nineties it was occupied by the multinational pharmaceutical companies in the industry but there is also a scenario for the past 18 years or so, I was completely changed. 30 386 units of multinational companies operating in drug production. Multinational and national companies in the ratio of 45% and 55%. Increasing share of national companies is an encouraging sign for domestic investors. The annual growth of 11%, US 1.64 $ billion total pharmaceutical market, pharmaceutical industry today with the global development of Pakistan. In the present scenario, more than 80 percent of demand met with national companies.Local while 20 percent are covered by imports. All raw materials are imported from China, India, Europe, North America and other countries. About 20% of the total imports from Switzerland. 2008-09, according to GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) List Data List 11.59% market share and multinationals wi th growth of 8.9%. The national pharmaceutical companies Getz. (Pvt) Ltd has over 70%, with 3.76% market share in the last three years. And a 2.79% market share of the list of national pharmaceutical companies with Getz Pharma, Some multinational companies. Currently, the government of Pakistan to take action drugs, drug manufacturing license of 4 species shall:1. Creating2. Basic manufacturing.3. Half-based manufacturing4. Repackaging The organization of the census of Pakistan (2010), Pakistan has a population of 16.98 million with growth rate of 2.69. Everyday health consciousness also, as well, which can be helpful in increasing per capita expenditure growth in the future.The most successful pharmaceutical companies, existing business and customer trends to maximize profits with a variety of marketing strategies for different types of customers in almost constant new challenges and opportunities. Pharmaceutical companies invest (ROI), to improve their return New communication technologies (digital media) to its traditional ways. III. IMAGE PROCESSING Image processing can be set to produce either a picture or features or parameters that are related to image. Images are processed as a stereo signal, in which the third dimension or Z axis.Image processing refers to a digital image processing. However, an analog and optical image processing is also possible. The pictures are said to achieve imaging. Image closely linked to computer vision and graphics processing. Born as images manually objects, physical models of the atmosphere and light in computer graphics, instead of some imaging devices having a camera on landscapes such as the purchase of the more animated movies . Computer vision contrast is often regarded as a high-level image processing from a machine, or a computer or software will decrypt the contents of the physical layout of the photo or image.Because of the growing importance of technology and scientific concept of the modern science of images that are too wide. Examples include genetic research or real-time multi-asset portfolio microarray data into portfolio management in the financial sector.We also are different factors involved in image processing, can be from one to another can vary include, binary images, color photos (8 bit, 24 bit), Color Quantization, Convolution, Distance Matrics, Dithering, Edge Detectors, Frequency Domain, Gray scale Images, Image Editing Software, Idempotence, Isotrophic Operators, Kernels, Logical Operators, Masking, Non-linear Filtering, Pixels, Primary Colors, Spatial Domain, Structuring Elements, Wrapping and saturation. IV. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK A neuron is a nerve cell is the basic building block of the nervous system. A large number of neurons in ways similar to other cells in the human body, but there is a significant difference between neurons and other cells. Neurons are specialized to transmit information throughout the body. This highly specialized nerve cells are responsible for the information in the chemical and electronic forms of communication. Different types of neurons, which are responsible for the different tasks within the body. Sensory neurons carry information from the sensory receptor cells in the body to the brain. Motor neurons transmit information from the brain-body muscle. Neuron body responsible for information and communication between different neurons.Neuron matching neurons and other cells in the body with other cells, both of which are surrounded by a membrane that seals protect the genetic information of other cells of neurons and body are composed of a central can. The bodies of both types of cells in cell mitochondria, Golgi contains, including the organelles and cytoplasm body. Cell LifeCreate unique to neurons, differences, unlike other body cells shortly after birth ceased to reproduce neurons. For this reason, some parts of the brain neurons will die because of the neurons at birth than life, but not the place. Neurons do not reproduce in most areas of the brain, have shown that the formation of new connections between neurons Research.Neurogenesis, or the formation of new nerve cells, about life is found in parts of the brain. Neuron is a membrane that is designed to send information to other cells. dendrites, cell bodies and axons are three main parts of a neuron. However, all neurons vary somewhat in size, shape and characteristics in terms of neuron function and role. Some neurons while others are highly branched, to obtain a large amount of information, there are few dendritic branches. Others may be quite a long while some neurons, short axons. The longest ax ons in the human body is about three feet in length and extends from the underside of the spine to the big toe! Neuron dendrites receive information from sensory receptors or other neurons. This information is then passed on to the cell body and axon. Once this is known as an action potential which travels down an electrical signal, the length of axons in the axons information.Communication between synapses is an electrical pulse has reached the end of a Axon will be transferred once, information about the synaptic gap to the dendrites of neighboring neurons. In some cases, signals about the space between neurons and soon on its way. In other cases, are required to send information from one neuron to the next neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitters cross to reach other neurons and synaptic receptor sites vacuum chemical messengers that are released from the axon terminals. Neurons, neurotransmitters and their receptor binding site in a way known as reuptake are reabsorbed will be u sed again. V. TRAINING AND TEST ING PHASE We have break the our training and testing phase in to the steps that includes Input, Image Filtering, Image Segmentation, object detection, Visual feature, machine learning, trained network, classified output. VI. METHODOLOGY The basic Architecture is human tracking and monitoring are deployed on a visual application tool for testing, which serves as package for human classification and monitoring the trained proceeds and its validation is implemented in MATLAB to build a software system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   i. Image Registration Somebody entrance is the method of transforming to   incompatible sets of aggregation into one nascent system. Collection collects quadruplicate photographs,   information achieve from diverse sensors, present, depths, or viewpoints. individual enrolment old in computer modality method, medical images, biological images   military target recognition   the compiled and analyzed to images and data to collect from camera. Registration is important   to compare or integrate the data to achieve from these different measurements.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ii. ROI Selection Blobs are   supply to a extra statement of individual structures in spatiality of regions, the corners   more point-like. blobs are described to   preferred direction that capital   the more blob detectors are also be regarded in   touch part operators. Blob detectors can sensed areas of   human they to such glassy to be sensed in a carre four of device.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   iii. Edges Edges is a line between two individual regions.   Line can be most of concretism, and countenance junctions. Edges are commonly is a sets of points in the mortal which soul a vehement   ratio. The   algorithms gift be constraint sharp circumstantial points together for  Ã‚   consummate description of   provide. These algorithms is   usually guess on the properties of an urgency,i.e mould, smoothness, and close continuance. VII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS An experimental setup was established to record the Objects with different angles we have followed the criteria of having a pic from 60 different angles and in this way we have worked out on 10 different tablets. In this way we have hypothesis of 600 images as our repository VIII. CONCLUSION After all the observations and research made on this project we reach to the conclusion that this project is an Intelligent   Computer Vision Based Approach To Monitor Pharmaceutical Production Line. This will be the most beneficial project for the pharmaceutical industry most specifically in Pakistan based economy and will get the benefits like   Smart remote Monitoring, Reliability, Increase Professionalism, Precise Detection, Approx. Zero Chances of Error, Detection   Counting and Data Backup All in one Time and most important no need of human workers in this system that makes this project different from the current standards of the systems that are still be followed in the pharmaceutical industries majorly in Pakistan. VIIII. FUTURE WORK We have achieved this project to this level as this report present but we are still looking to make this system more efficient by adding some more features or modules that we may be able to add with this hardware and can achieve more factors to be intelligent and automated. REFERENCES

Monday, August 19, 2019

Classical Theorists Essay example -- Sociology, Feminist Theory, Gende

The dominant voice in sociology is white, heterosexual and male. This is certainly true of the â€Å"Classical† theorists and forefathers Georg Simmel and Max Weber. Over the years Sociology has recognized different voices in the tradition, opening the doors for feminist theory and theorists such as Candace West, Don H. Zimmerman, Judith Butler, Patricia Hill Collins, Dorothy E. Smith, and Raewyn Connell. These sociologists attempt to offer a different standpoint from the dominant one, a standpoint that can find some of its roots in the works of the sociological forefathers. West and Zimmerman’s Doing Gender was a seminal sociological work. The authors asserted, â€Å"the essential male and female natures are an achieved status of objective fact, they provide the rationale for the differing fates of women and men† (Kivisto 2011: 319). Max Weber’s views on status compliment this idea. Weber states â€Å"a status group can exist only to the extent that others accord its member prestige or degrading, which removes them from the rest of social actors and establishes the necessary social distance† (Coser 1977: 229). West and Zimmerman go on to discuss the difference between sex, sex category, and gender. They also concentrate on gender, submitting that instead of an essential part of our nature it is an act we portray daily (Kivisto 2011). West and Zimmerman take on gender was revolutionary but at its very foundation is the idea of status in American society. Generally, gender difference has been used to subjugate the female sex category. Georg Simmel also dealt with status in his essay on Fashion. He discussed the lower class acquiring material items to mimic higher classes. Similarly, West and Zimmerman discussed gender displays a... ...2011). Many jobs that are considered masculine make more money, such as businessman and pro football players. While teachers, nurses, and cleaning ladies traditionally female positions barely make a enough to survive. It says a lot about what gender we value in society. Arguing for a living wage from a feminist stand point, would highlight the contradictory act of teaching one thing and practicing another. The feminist perspective might point out that feminine and masculine are social constructions. This ideal would equalize the sex category female and male (Kivisto 2011). Making â€Å"female† activities as valuable as male activities. They would accept knowledge from all groups. Use a variety of standpoints to make decisions about wages (Kivisto 2011). Try to dismantle the gendered hierarchal structure of the university and disavow â€Å"masculine† and â€Å"Feminine†.

Information Age :: essays research papers

Discussion Board Activity Question Activity Based Costing in the Information Age Activity based costing systems provide a much more accurate picture of product costs than do traditional product costing systems. This exercise focuses on an article presented on the Web site of the ACA Group, an alliance of highly trained and experienced consultants and instructors. The ACA Group provides in-house training, management consulting, and systems installation. You may recognize the names of some of the Group's clients including General Motors, Nissan Motor Company, Hughes Aircraft Company, Dole Packaged Foods, Gillette, Xerox, Gateway, and Anheiser Busch. The title of the article used for this exercise is entitled "Activity based Costing in the Information Age." ( It was written by Jim Tarr, president of J.D. Tarr Associates. Mr. Tarr has over 25 years experience in consulting, senior management, and in industrial and manufacturing engineering. You have been asked by your manager to read the article and prepa re a brief for other managers in the organization. The brief must answer the following questions. 1. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of traditional product costing systems? There are many advantages and disadvantages, in traditional product costing systems. As, listed in Mr. Tarr ¡Ã‚ ¦s article you can see first that the advantages are apparent and clear. The purpose for this system is what is was intended for. And that is standard cost accounting, Companies where designed to do the following for success.1) homogeneous products, 2) large direct costs compared to indirect costs, 3) limited ability to collect data and 4) low "below the line" costs. (Tarr, James D. N.d.) So, with changing time ¡Ã‚ ¦s and the system being build over 70years ago. This has been cause for change because of the disadvantages the system brings to the table due in part to the  ¡Ã‚ §advent of certified financial statements, accounting systems became more structured to comply with the demands of external stakeholders ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Tarr, James D. N.d.) So, the primary purpose and focus of cost accounting today is to value inventory for financial statements. The negative t rend continues due in part to the floes that the "leveraging effect" of direct labor overhead application as cause as many other applications have given cost accounting negative effects as well. 2. For what type of business case were traditional costing systems designed? Why isn't a traditional costing system appropriate for today's companies? Traditional costing systems were designed for a company with large direct costs in comparison to indirect costs, a limited ability to collect data, homogeneous products and low  ¡Ã‚ §below the line ¡Ã‚ ¨ costs.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Although many factors have influenced the development of civilizations around the world, most are derived from the necessities required by all humans to maintain existence. One of the most primitive needs of the human race is food. The ability of the land to provide a surplus of food was a significant contributing factor for civilization to emerge in Mesopotamia. Crops such as barley, emmer, olives, beans, grapes and flax were very easy to grow in the fertile soil found there. As more people began to arrive and settle in Mesopotamia, towns began to emerge building a civilization that encompassed various workers, organization, and cooperation among the people. The Mesopotamians learned to reroute would be floodwaters to the drier land to hydrate their crops, laying the foundation for modern day irrigation systems. Although there were areas such as Mesopotamia that had an abundance of food, other areas were not as fortunate. Many would have to travel to purchase food or obtain water. Traveling on foot could be very tiresome and demand lengthy trips. Another reason for the need of transportation of a method other than on foot was war. This led to the invention of the chariot, as early as 1800 BCE by the Syrians. As the steppe people migrated into established civilizations, chariots became more widely utilized as the preferred weapon. Rulers from areas widespread as Europe, China, the Middle East, and India utilized chariots as their master weapons. The use of the chariot eventually succumbed to horseback riding as the preferred method of travel. Just as societies and civilizations expanded over the continents of Europe and Asia ¸ the United States also expanded from the original colonies settled on the east coast to the ... ...arvests to pay their rent to be evicted. Many were shipped by their landlords to British North America on the hopes of empty promises of money and clothing. Although the ships landed in Canada, of the survivors, nearly half walked across the border into America deserting their mother country after the deception. Civilizations throughout the years have manifested through the need for change and survival. Whether food, resources, or the need for travel was the inspiration, people relocated to meet their own needs. Societies were established based on the cultures they came from, acculturated with the indigenous people they came in contact with. We all have needs to survive and provide future generations with the ability to progress forward. As the world changes, we learn to adapt and generate new technology as a means to ensure the maintenance of the human race.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Behavior List

Sternberg’s theory of intelligence states that intelligence is made up of three components; analytical intelligence refers to the ability for understanding and assessing ideas and for problem-solving and decisions making. Creative intelligence refers to the person’s ability to create new and interesting ideas and practical intelligence is the ability of individuals to transform their environment or themselves to realize their goals.These three intelligences is what Sternberg refer to as successful intelligence, which means that this intelligences can ensure that a person will become successful in his/her life within his/her sociocultural context (Sternberg, 1999). Sternberg’s theory has been borne out of his researches on intelligence wherein he found that most people had the capacity to work with math problems, number equations and to reason logically in practical situations but failed in traditional intelligence tests (Sternberg, 2000).He also reported that the context at which intelligence is viewed is an important determining factor for measuring intelligence (Sternberg, 2004); he found that Kenyan children scored well on indigenous intelligence tests but did poorly in western intelligence tests. Lastly, he also observed that when creative and practical intelligence is integrated into the definition of intelligence, the group of Yale students corresponding to these intelligences became more diverse in terms of race, background, sex and socioeconomic status than the traditional concept of intelligence (Sternberg, 2004).Taking into consideration Sternberg’s theory of intelligence, I found that my list of everyday intelligence did correspond to his definition of intelligence. My everyday intelligence list includes doing the laundry, cooking, and gardening, following directions and bargaining. People who cook well seem to know the correct amount of ingredients to put in the dish and yet might not get good scores in tests of fractions and ratios, then those who are excellent gardeners know when the weather is just right for sowing or when to transfer the seedlings to the pots but cannot actually explain humidity and soil content.Doing the laundry also takes the ability to know how much soap goes with what type of cloth and the temperature of the water, but I am sure that they would not answer a math problem of the same variables. Following directions is also an everyday intelligence because it involves abstract thinking and imagery and a sense of direction.Now most people could find an address based on landmarks and street names but the same person would have difficulty working on pattern recognition and sequencing and bargaining is an ability that takes rapid computational skills to calculate the discount of the item or to assess how much one is willing to pay for an item. When intelligence is defined according to Sternberg’s concepts I then realize that intelligence is not just about perceiving relation ships and analogies but it is being able to make use of ones strengths and abilities to become successful at life.Practically speaking, the person who knows how to cross the street safely arrives at their destinations and is more able to achieve their goals. Sternberg also emphasized that intelligence is defined in terms of the sociocultural context of the individual thus a fisherman who knows the ocean and the types and behaviors of fishes cannot be called unintelligent if he fails in an intelligence test because as a fisherman those are what constitute intelligence.References Sternberg, R. (1996). Successful Intelligence. New York: Simon & Schuster. Sternberg, R. , Forsythe, G. & Hedlund, J. (2000). Practical Intelligence in Everyday Life. New York: Cambridge University Press. Sternberg, R. (2004). Why we need to explore development in its cultural context. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 50; 3, pp. 369-386. Sternberg, R. (2004). Successful intelligence in the classroom. Theory Into Prac tice 43; 4, pp. 274-280

Friday, August 16, 2019

Safety and Protection Services

In the process of creating a security agreement, the first essential task which we should be able to undertake is to differentiate what are those locations as well as specific conditions which the security would be addressed through public good — those that would be provided by the local government — as well as the security issues that would be addressed by private enterprise. Such a differentiation would allow for us to make specific boundaries and avoid security coverage overlaps between those which would be provided by the government and that was what shall be covered by the local agencies which the company would hire. The reason why we would like to avoid overlaps in outlining the report and specify which issues are addressed by one group and which ones are addressed by another is that it would not only avoid regulatory and conflict of interest overlaps but also the cost efficient as well. We must remember that especially for a public good provisions such as security of the company which the government would be providing for the firm, then they have a limited budget in order to do this. Also, the security of the company with respect to the private enterprise which shall be addressed by our firm should also be cost efficient. Recent literature reflecting the costs of private security reflected that they are consistently increasing over the years. We would not want to have overlapping costs that would further create an inefficiency condition for the company (Commission & Toulson, 2004). In the discussion of who would be concerned providing security, there are two units and agencies which we should address. These agencies, however, are only the first step in information dissemination and coordination of security for the firm. These two are the local government units that would be providing security, as well as the security agencies as well as the security staff of the company. They are the two essential units where large focus must be given in drafting a security agreement. However, there also has to be circulating information across both the staff of the company and the government units so that they too may be informed of the further security issues that have to be addressed. The reason for this is that especially in a sensitive matters such as private protection — especially if our company has high in assets, may they be tangible or intangible — there is the constant danger of misinformation and might lead to further problems in the future if those which are in full — even in the smallest sense — are misinformed. The basic primary service that we would like the safety and security services of the law enforcement department of the local government units to perform are those that involve security coverage from the immediate surroundings of the companies location . However what we must remember is that local government agencies in policing already have the responsibility of protecting the surroundings of such public locations. With the security draft must focus on, however, is the schedule time frames or in areas highly sensitive data that are stored within the perimeter of the company. This may be done through interaction with local government units involving security and policing with the respective security agencies and departments of our company. Relevant research reflects higher risk security frameworks especially in institutions that have data assets which would be essential for the success of competition. In discussing security concerns between the company and the policing agencies, the focus must not only be two immediate security and physical assets but also in data security as well this would be discussed later on and further reports (Stamp, 2005). Another probable help the local law enforcement agencies may give to the company is a fast response policy in the case that incidents are reported by the security departments of the firm. This is usually already done in major metropolitan areas although there are times when specific overlaps in misinformation cause for various security holes exist. What the draft and suggestion must identify are the standard operating procedures for local government security in the case that they are required — in an emergency or otherwise — by the security departments of the company. Although it may not be explicitly stated by the government, the agreement, and company, there also probable ways are there to be better security support for such local policing units by giving preferential protection and security response times — even dedicated response servers and direct lines — to the security departments of the company. What we as business analysts would like to compare it to is an indirect method of outsourcing security but only in specific locations in specific instances so that the costs of the hiring additional security in-house would be less than those from the outsourced perspective (Commission & Toulson, 2004). Of course, however, did not reply completely on the security that is provided by local policing agencies. Also, even given the fact that there is a ready and in-house security department at the company, having the ability to tap the resources from outside security units such as those that are provided by the government does not necessarily mean that local security could slack off and relax. In fact, outsourcing and removing in-house the total security method of the company should logically make the company's own security department more vigilant because of the scattered holes and overlaps that an outside security unit with prose. The primary safety and security services that would be performed in-house are those which first, covered a specific geographic insight location of the company. It would be a greater security risk if outside security units that are provided by the government are allowed to roam freely within the premises of the firm. Although it may in fact decrease costs with relation to the amount that are paid to in-house security services, it nevertheless significantly increases risk of outside infiltration of the firm because of the lack of checks, balances, and specific operational controls when making use of outside security in securing the inside of the structures. Therefore, in the draft, we should be able to indicate that outside security units which are provided by the government may only enter the premises upon request for additional assistance in-house security units. Also, because it is completely logical that it is the security department of the company which knows the sensitivity of assets within the firm, as well as the day-to-day security concerns of the company, it is they who have the responsibility of training and informing the outside security resources which would be provided by the government in understanding the way the company works to tighten and cover the various security holes that may be found. In the draft, it is recommended that more responsibilities are placed on in-house security units because of the expected approval of such agreement — the less costs that are crude by the government for security of the company, the more likely it is that the mayor would prove such an agreement. However, we must also make sure that the benefits that the company which received with respect to the efficiency would be experienced by the in-house security Department would be just equal to the benefits that would be taken by the local government units for security (Wyman, 1999). Lastly, the draft should include what are the specific responsibilities that would be done jointly by the local policing agency and the in-house security department of the company. In this respect, the responsibilities included should cover those involving the safety and security of local employees and keeping resources. Unlike tangible assets and data, human resources and employees of the company are allowed to move around. As a result, there is no specific covert locations that could be wisely allocated either to in-house security or to policing agencies. Therefore, it would eventually be the responsibility of the two units to cover the safety and security of employees. However, it is the local policing agency which is largely responsible for the outside safety of employees, while the responsibility of the in-house security of the company would be to make sure that only employees have access to the company's premises as well as the assets that are assigned to employee use. These are the conditions and important factors that should be included in the draft to be written that would be submitted to the mayor of the city. Although there are still other specific minor issues that have not been addressed, these, at least, are the general frameworks that must be followed in drawing an agreement between the two security units and departments.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Principles of Safeguarding

The Gogh Inquiry During investigations at Staffordshire Hospital, findings revealed serious failures of care, cases of unnecessary suffering of patients and higher than average mortality rates. Five other hospitals are also being investigated regarding their unnecessary death rates and poor nursing. Following these findings, Sir Bruce Gogh, England's INS Medical Director, has started an inquiry. Koch's inquiry looks at different cases where there has been unnecessary deaths and a lack of quality nursing.This report kooks at the different recommendations that have been made to improve the INS put in place by Gogh and looks at what has happened since Staffordshire regarding resignations, blame and public opinion. Different Opinions Patient groups are angry as there has been no prosecutions or resignations since the Staffordshire scandal. Katherine Murphy of the Patients Association quoted â€Å"It is deeply disturbing nurses fear the door is open for another tragedy on the scale of Mi d Staffs. It is vital politicians listen and ensure they provide the tools nurses need o provide a safe level of care to patients. The families of the patients who have died or have received poor quality care, are understandably angry and have lost faith in the INS. INS staff (front line nurses) feel like that the is blame aimed at them, as they are given targets to hit, which are impossible to achieve as well as first class care. Also, front line nurses warn that this could happen again due to lack of staff, cuts and the rationing of front line services. The Recommendations Following the Gogh Review, the current set of regulations are to be revised.This will include a call for greater regulation of INS managers and an overhaul of training for nurses and unqualified health care assistants. Also, changes to the supervision and regulation of health care are required to protect patients and to respond to public anger about the scandal, which has drained confidence in the rest of the he alth service. A recommendation for better training for health care assistants, and a call for them to be regulated, meaning they could be struck off if they failed in their duties.The report will also recommend changes to ensure managers are held accountable for their decisions. This could mean they are struck off a central register if they do not follow a revised code of conduct. The Effect on Public Opinion Patients at Stafford Hospital were left lying in their own urine and excrement for days, forced to drink water from vases, given the wrong medication or sent home with faith in the INS and health and social care. Whilst working on the wards staff may find themselves being scrutinized by patients and relatives, finding fault where there is none.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Qualifications Or Experience Essay

Qualifications should be given more importance than experience when recruiting staff. Agree or disagree? Recruiting the correct individual for the correct job position is a key factor influencing the productivity of the organization and its success. There are many arguments about the importance of qualifications over experience for job candidates in deciding who to hire. In my point of view, experience is a greater priority than qualifications since the latter is only raw theoretical information without the knowledge of practical application. My opinion can be explained clearly by the following example: if a person, without any swimming experience, would surf the internet and learn many swimming techniques and guidelines would you expect him to jump in the water and swim like an Olympic swimmer? (Chaplin, 2013) Firstly, experienced Workers have know-how of the job. Experienced professionals have the knowledge of what has to be done. This is because they have encountered the usual situations that the job would expose them to, and they know how to deal with them. Furthermore, they are equ ipped with the necessary skills for the job: they have the technical knowledge to use the necessary technology and equipment. In addition, they also have enough work hours to have sufficient knowledge of the work place culture . Secondly, For certain jobs it is essential for managing crises on day to day bases. In such a case, experience is critical. A highly experienced workforce would be better at handling new and pressing troubles. For instance, familiarity with solutions of meticulous scenarios would come naturally to skilled and experienced employees. Also workers that have prior experience would know how to strive under complex situations and would have the know-how to control the circumstances. Thirdly, Due to having an inexperienced workforce the organization would face many employee loyalty issues and as a result, a high labour turnover which in-turn increases recruitment expenditure which consumes a lot of time that could be used more productively elsewhere. Experienced employees have a tendency to stay with their organization for a larger time. This is so that they would have greater stability and to obtain their wish to achieve a high ranking position within the firm. To save on recruitment expenditures and  for efficient time management experienced workers would be  Fourthly, even without proper qualifications employees do get hired. This is due to the fact that large organizations do their own â€Å"on-the-job† training with new employees to increase their job productivity and efficiency significantly. The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) informs that under $1500 for each worker was used up for training during 1996. The major fraction of that (49 percent) was used up for technical and expert training. This money could be used for investments rather than training. Besides, even if the employee does or does not possess the qualifications, he/she would undergo the training process to standardize the quality of job performance amongst the workers.   Lastly, experienced employees would bring a lot of knowledge and clientele from rival competitors. This would mean instant revenue for the organization. Moreover, they would be capable of meeting deadlines with greater efficiency and productivity because of their wealth of experience. Furthermore, the experienced employee would be more aware of methods that contribute to a higher customer satisfaction which makes them a worthy investment. Also, there are always quarrels between employees that reduce their focus on the job. This usually does not occur with experienced employees since they are generally more mature in the work place. (Howe and Howe, 2013) Nevertheless, in certain jobs and work environments, inexperience is considered a merit. Employees with low experience would not have hard-wired views established by prior incidents. This would make them ideal for employers who like to mold their workers’ thinking. One might object that, an inexperienced worker might break under pressure and fail in controlling the situation. It’s true that, inexperienced workers   work harder to make an impression using out of the box thinking and come up with distinctive methods to solve problems. However, they would not be efficient in their problem solving because they would not have the skills and experience to apply them. Admittedly, inexperienced workers tend to have smaller salaries this means that they are much less expensive compared to experienced workers. In contrast, the firm would eventually pay high training costs for those workers, which means that it would have been more time saving to employ experienced personnel in the first place. It would be further argued that, inexperienced workers tend to have fresh ideas. Alternatively, an inexperienced worker would take very long to come up with a suitable idea for the situation as he or she would not be familiar with scenario due to lack of experience. In conclusion, I would like to restate the points that show the dominance of experience over qualifications. Experienced workers have a greater know how of the task, they are more efficient and productive. They are better suited for crises situations since they have faced those scenarios previously. Also, they are more stable since they aim for a higher job position in the firm. Lastly, the high cost of the experienced worker would result in a lower cost in the long run since there is no need for training and they would most likely make less mistakes. These arguments show supremacy over qualification since there is added knowledge of practical application. It would be highly recommended to have a balance of both experienced and inexperienced workforce to acquire the advantages of both sides†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Howe and Howe, 2013) Howe, T. and Howe, T. 2013. TODAYS TOPIC – Inexperienced Employees Vs Experienced Employees. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 Apr 2014]. Ogunjimi, A. 2014. Advantages of Experience VS Inexperience in Jobs | eHow. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 Apr 2014] (Chaplin, 2013) Chaplin, G. 2013. Qualification Vs Experience. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 29 Apr 2014].

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

'No one written off Evaluation of the government's promise; are Essay

'No one written off Evaluation of the government's promise; are disabled people going to be winners or losers' - Essay Example rkforce, as they will be judged according to their abilities rather than being judged according to the limitations that their disabilities place upon them (Action for Blind People). On the other hand, organizations that represent the disabled are very concerned about these changes, as they feel as though disabled people will be left out in the cold. This is due to the fact that people who are too sick to work will be forced to get a job. What’s more, employers are not ready to handle employees who are disabled or who live with a chronic illness. Some employers want no dealings with the disabled and sickly at all. Therefore, this dissertation will analyze the promises made by the white paper and see whether or not they will be beneficial to the disabled population. Furthermore, the dissertation will establish whether or not the concerns of organizations that represent the disabled are valid. The initial aim of this dissertation is to find out if the white paper will really do what is promised. In order to do this, it is vital to closely analyze every detail of the white paper to see what provisions it is offering to those currently receiving benefits. Then, we must compare the proposals to academic literature to best determine whether or not the proposals will be helpful or hurtful. On the surface, the white paper seems very promising, as there is a strong argument that work is extremely helpful in improving the overall emotional and physical health of an individual. According to an article titled â€Å"Work is Good for Your health,† work is good for maintaining mental and physical health. It has been found that working individuals have a higher self-esteem and suffer less from mental illness. What’s more, working individuals do not require as many visits to their GPs as do those who are not employed. Those who are unemployed are at higher risk for health problems, as well as mental illness. These individuals have a shorter life expectancy than those who are